Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg Castle

A wall inside the exterior court yard of the castle

Same wall just a larger view of it

The clock tower - it rings every hour

The front of the clok tower

Some areas of the castle are more like ruins but they are trying to restore it

One of the gargoyles

A stone design on the castle

Another court yard in the castle

A look out tower

The castle wall

A better view of the castle wall

Inside the castle - a large courtyard

A close-up of the exterior of the castle in the court yard

The enterance into the castle

Victoria walking through an exterior hallway

We're having fun at the castle

Nathaniel and Victoria in the exterior court yard of the castle

The arch leading into the exterior court yard

A close-up of the arch

John doesn't look to happy - Heidelberg in the background

The old pharmacy in the castle

Interesting picture

Some pretty neat medicine bottles

Then they went to medicine in boxes

Some more medicine bottles

Sign talking about herbs used in medicine
